ohh.. hello. :)
it's me again. haha.. <3 okay.. what to share this time.. ermm.. hei remembered that time i used to be sad cus of something? guess what, now? i dont. haa. i lied.. lol.. ahh. to be honest, i am more devastated than before. because i just can't believed it happened again. however, thank God this time i made a right decision to take my leave first. ohh, yeah. i am not trying to go back to my sadness time again, but im just sharing with you about how i feel that time. emm. truly, at the first day of leaving really like? im so lost. although i have bunch of friends with me that time. i still felt cold inside. which aching my heart so much. i wish to share with peoples about it, but i just dont want to give burden to my dear friends, yet also dont want to trouble them with my business. so yeah by then, i rather keep in it with myself. to fake a smile from outside really suffering me. Gosh, really.. like if just i can put a smily mask with me. i'd be so thankful. Lol. as day by day pass by, i finally like okaay lah.. you know, just tried to accept the fact and leave the sadness alone. what's the point of thinking about something which doesn't worth. what's the point of putting hope on something that won't come back. So i decided to leave my sadness alone for now. not behind , not in the pass but alone. " i leave my sadness alone "
chahhh!! sidak2 ku mbca eh wawawa
BalasPadamwawawawa.. iath, inda nanges?
BalasPadamnda..me pendam ja perasaan ane..biar pedih ku telan jua ahaks ahaks